Jan 07 2004 : : Ice Storm

A. Supalla

Here are some of my photos from the ice storm. The photos of the truck were taken just as the freezing rain began to fall (it got much thicker later). None of the photos are cropped yet, and are a mix of documentary type and some more artistic.

Pict0752 Pict0753 Pict0757 Pict0766 Pict0767 Pict0768
Pict0769 Pict0771 Pict0772 Pict0773 Pict0774 Pict0775
Pict0776 Pict0777 Pict0778 Pict0781 Pict0782 Pict0783
Pict0786 Pict0787 Pict0788 Pict0789 Pict0790 Pict0791