"A heart of... tinfoil. Gold was outrageously priced, and steel was in rather short supply." -- Rene R. "I prefer to dodge the bullets, and then hit them." -- Jess S. "I have mastered the ancient art of Tai-Po." -- Nat (upon seeing a warehouse store) Jason: "Big Lots, that's a funny name." Jenny: "That's my mom's name!" (upon coming home to a dark house) "Hmm, all the lights are out. Tser must be awake." -- Mom Me: "What happened to your leg?!" Mom: "The wheelbarrow and the board got in a fight and I lost." (discussing sensual scene in Buffy: the Musical) Me: "Well, you saw the look on Willow's face." Jenny: "Yeah, she was like, 'I'm gonna to go vacuum.'" "Of course [my logic] is impeccable. I am king shit." -- Shaman "I happy goddamned fish!" -- Shaman (Linn and her Dad are watching "U-571" and her Dad has gas) Linn: *sniff* Are you farting over there? Her Dad: No, those are depth charges! "If you hit him with a rusty pipe, does he not bleed like a motherfucker?" -- Cooper "Next thing you know, I'll find myself in the back of a station wagon with my new husband, a one-eyed ex-carnival barker named Hoss." -- Cooper "Ach! I'm still spitting out blood. Maybe my nose has stigmata." -- Rene Scram foams thoughtfully at this revelation. Suriankathernia foams alongside Scram. Scram peers at Suri blearily. *drip* Ri'Hahn snaps a photo of Scram and Suri, "My trip to Alfandria. The locals were quite happy to see me..." "It's all fine and dandy until someone loses and eye. Then it's a game and everyone wants to play!" -- Andrew "It has to be romantic, silly girl!" -- Jason Weiran sets Scram on fire, alive or no. o.o Scram is a pyrerat. Scram foams, "Arrr, matey." Dawl afks to shower. Stuff nasty things down his pants, poke him, torment him. Dawl will endure it all. Tserisa stuffs nasty things down Dawl's pants. Oo la la! Silverclaw says, "Well, it's no fun because he's not wearing them, if he's in the shower.." Cobaltie laughs. Cobaltie was going to stuff nasty things down Dawl's pants, until he realized what might already be down there. Tserisa says, "Are you sure you *know* what might be down there, Cobalt?" CobaltBlue rawrs, "No. Which is why it's scary." Tserisa is curious... and peeks. Tserisa says, "MY GOD!" Silverclaw says, "We could stuff his pants down something nasty? Then what whould he do when he got back?" Tserisa scrambles backwards, eyes wide. Cobaltie waves his claw in front of Tser's eyes. Tserisa faints. Cobaltie prods Tser. ( The pants, of the DAMED! ) Tserisa cries. "I never want to see anything like that ever again!" ( And the DAMNED, too! ) Silverclaw pokes his N key Cobaltie pokes his space bar. Silverclaw says, "You still haveing issues with that?" CobaltBlue rawrs, "yeah, My dad took back the working one I was borrowing." Rainy peers down into that pants. Tserisa looks at Rainy, horrified. Rainy hmms. "It would appear that Dawl's butt is habitually situated upon a portal to the netherworld." Silverclaw oohs, "Well.. for some reason I'm not suprised.." Tserisa says, "Which netherworld?" Cobaltie snrrrks. CobaltBlue rawrs, "Dawl's netherworld." Silverclaw says, "I thought those were called the netherreagons?" Rainy sticks her head underwing to refrain from making further cracks in that vein (whoops, that one slipped). Tserisa says, "Are we talking just a nether*region* or are we talking a whole *plane*?" CobaltBlue rawrs, "Plane? How about an entire AIRPORT?" Tserisa crawls into Dawl's pants and disappears. CobaltBlue rawrs, "I'm on a totally different airport of existence." Silverclaw does the scientific thing.. and pokes them with a stick. Premchaia shakes his head at the whole conversation. Tserisa is usually on PDX. Rainy acks, ties a string on Tser's retreating tail. Cobaltie chuckles. Said that way, PDX sounds like a drug. Rainy gives it a tug occasionally. Waiting to see the frayed, bloody end. Premchaia thought PDX sounded like a worldname abbreviation. Cobaltie >_< Tserisa explores Dawl's Portal. Silverclaw thinks that opens way to many jokes that should never be said ;) CobaltBlue rawrs, "Now showing the horrifying B-movie, Dawl's Magical Arse!"