Here's some information on how the CyberSlugs are made, from start to finish.
The first CyberSlug was drawn in Paint Shop Pro, version 3.2. This program is all that's needed to create CyberSlugs. However, I've since upgraded to version 6. All the HTML for the CyberSlugs pages is written in Microsoft Notepad.
Drawing the Slugs
'Slugs are drawn by zooming in and using the paint brush tool at it's smallest size to draw pixel by pixel, using a mouse. All 'Slugs, 'Shrooms, and accessories were drawn exclusively with a mouse.
They are then converted to .gifs, and a transparent background is set, through "Colors > Set Palette Transparency". The colors used and the transparency allow them to work on any background, with the exception of the Neon 'Slugs, which were designed to "glow" on black.
For most 'Slugs, "Original" is used as a guide template for the others, with color changes and details drawn in, rather than starting over from scratch with each.
This page and the CyberSlugs, 'Snails and 'Shrooms © 1997-2001 Tserisa Supalla. Do not alter or modify the pictures without permission. Please read the Rules at the Adoption Center before adopting a 'Slug, 'Snail or 'Shroom.