Scram is my character on FurryMuck ( She is also occassionally spotted on Here Lie Monsters and Alfandria (, and The Lotus Experience. This is all the info I have saved for her, both on the Muck and off, along with a character gallery of pics people have been kind enough to draw of her!
Physical: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Scram is an anthropomorphic Sewer Rat, standing barely four
feet tall on digigrade legs. Her patchy, mangy fur is a
dull agouti (ticked brown and black) fading to cream on her
belly. Her tail is broken twice, and covered in sores.
Scram's clothing is baggy and seems to have been acquired
from army surplus. Looking dreadfully thin, she foams at
the mouth and staggers about.
Scram is extremely contagious ('l scram's diseases') and
plagued by all manner of pests ('l scram's parasites').
Pics and More:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Austrian Rucksack
Other Morphs (Forms):
Diseases: Rabies, Bubonic Plague, Tuberculosis, Tetanus (Lockjaw), Coronavirus, Lyme Disease, E. Coli, Encephalitis, Staphylococcal Dermatitis, Rubella (German Measles), Trichomoniasis, Murine Respiratory Mycoplasmosis, Herpes, West Nile Virus, Creutzfeld-Jacobs Disease (Mad Cow Disease), Polio, Gonorrhea, Anthrax, Malocclusion (Overgrown Incisers), Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye), Haverhill Fever, Hepatitis, Influenza, Kilham Rat Virus, Pneumonia, Cholera, Tyzzer's Disease, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella, Chlamydia, Rat Respiratory Virus, Cat Scratch Fever, Syphilis, Smallpox, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Diptheria, Hansen's Disease (Leprosy), Streptococcal Disease, Mammary Fibroadenoma (Tumor) and the Common Cold.
Parasites: Scram's skin is crawling with Xenopsylla cheopis, the Oriental rat flea and famed carrier of bubonic plague. They sup of her lifejuice, and take every opportunity to hop to a new host. Scram is also dotted with ticks, which have imbedded their greedy little heads into her flesh. Radfordia ensifera (host-specific mites) colonize her skin, earmites cause her ears to be full of stinky black gunk, and mange causes her fur to fall out in patches. Polyplax spinulosa (spined rat lice) cling to strands of fur and lay their eggs, burrowing into her skin. She is host to other assorted parasites. A few boils can be seen here and there, swollen and hard, where cuterebra, the botfly, have laid eggs under her skin, that are developing into fully grown botflies. Inside her digestive tract, Hymenolepis diminuta (rat tapeworm) gets first crack at anything the rat eats, and Syphacia muris (rat pinworms) nestle in her bowels. Her intestines are colonized by Trichomonads, Giardia muris, and Spironucleus muris. Cysts infected with Taenia taeniaformis (the cat tapeworm) have imbedded themselves in her liver.
wi: Scram is a jaded mischievous obstinate crazy chaotic rodent ic-only contagious Female.
Scram Player Information
Please refrain from attempting to heal Scram. I would
not have gone to the trouble of making, researching and
desc'ing all her diseases if I didn't want her to be a
Scram is a Sewer Rat. Some rats are clean, sleek and
very friendly, but Scram smells bad, is dirty, mangey,
skinny and neurotic. She is prone to random and
illogical, sometimes violent and distasteful actions.
Don't take it personally.
Sewers (t sewer)
Why would I choose to RP a dirty, diseased, disgusting
character? Please keep in mind this *is* just RP and
not some statement or lifestyle choice. There are
several reasons I chose a rabid rat as a character.
1.) There just aren't that many rabid rats on the MUCK.
The character is at least somewhat unique. People
remember Scram.
2.) I rarely get bothered by furs just looking for a yiff.
That I do at all speaks of the diversity on FM, I suppose.
3.) I have a head full of weird information, including
diseases, parasites and other medical trivia. Where
else am I going to put something like that to use?
4.) It's fun. Ever splash in mud puddles as a kid?
People get a kick out of it. Silly RP opportunities (I
don't take much seriously with her) and building
opportunities ('t sewer').
TinyPlot Prefs:
yes =) !angst !sex (Yes, please! Silly preferred. No angst, no sex.)
Picture Gallery!
Yay! People drew Scram! Just click the thumbnail to see the full size version.
Scram by myself, looking all rabid and psycho and ill. She's wearing a tank top because i'm not good at drawing clothes.
Scram by Tofani. Yay! He says Scram's the first Fur he's ever drawn! I'm honored. I like her clothes in this pic.
HonahLee (Vanessa Pridgen) did a Scram sketch! This isn't finished, she says, but I wanted to put it up anyway because I like it so much. Grrr! I'm vicious and rabid!
An exceptionally mangey, grungy-looking Scram by JayGryph. And the mangier and grungier the better! It's Jay's first pic of a character from FurryMuck! How lucky can I be?
A loverly pic by Jana Hill, from when I won Poison at the auction. *winks and bruxes gleefully* Aren't I cute in my wee underclothes?
An adorable chibi Scram by Wallflower of Katilyr Creations. Eeee. Hisssss! This is profusely kawaii.
Scram! A poem by XDarkWolfX.
Crawling With Parasites
So Many Diseases
Foaming At The Mouth
Cute And Cuddly I'm Not
Twitching And Shaking
Worst Of All...
Poem © 2002 Dark Wolf (Michael Schaeffer)
Webpage, coding, etc. and character Scram © 2002-2003 Andrea "Tserisa" Supalla