You've found your way to the homepage of the NickKnack CaddyWhacks, the affiliation of Forever Knight fandom devoted to the inanimate stars of FK, props, and The Caddy.
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Join the NickKnack CaddyWhack List!
The NickKnack CaddyWhacks are a diverse group of Forever Knight fans who like the inanimate "characters" of Forever Knight.... Nick's stuff (such as the undead cactus, scorched door, remote operated automatic blinds abd the dragon statue on the mantle), other Forever Knight objects (like LaCroix's sword pin and Schanke's duck lamp), and especially THE CADDY! This list is for anyone who'd like to join, especially members of Forkni-L who consider themselves CaddyWhacks.
Discussion can include anything Forever Knightish, and especially stuff concerning the stuff from the show.
Encouraged topics include:
You could add a lot to this page! Comments, criticism, input, ideas, Caddy-oriented fanfiction, pictures, insight, Cadillac expertise, pomegranates, and more are very welcome!
Contact the Webmistress with questions or comments.
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